My gloriously easy SPSS class has turned into the daemon from the underworld. Seriously. I've always done well with statistics. In fact, I like statistics. I even like SPSS. Most of the time. Our teacher, however, decided long ago in his career that the "mindless point and click method" of using a computer program does not leave enough of a paper trail for budding researchers. Thus, he believes in directly writing the syntax for the program. To those of you who don't give a hoot in you know where, that means the all the kids who decided to take this class from the other professor are laughing and pointing at us suckers who didn't.
Oh, and I have an 8 page book report due on Wednesday. The good news is I've actually already finished the book. The bad news is the SPSS exam is on Tuesday and I can't get help until Monday. Yea.
Lest you be concerned (*squints into the audience* you three who read my blog, that is), things are actually going pretty well. I'm just stressed. Really stressed. It'll all go away in like four days, but until then I'm stressed. I even bought some begonias to distract me from myself. I figure if they die it's 'cause I was too caught up in me. So here's to their longevity! *holds up bottle of water to toast* They have been named Daphne and Josephine. I'll post pics when I get the chance.
Meanwhile, to help keep me on track I'm posting my schedule for next week:
October 13 - October 18
5 AM - 10 AM Register for Spring classes, Work on SPSS assignment (meh, 6 AM, 5 AM, same dif... and, as it turned out, I couldn't register for classes until 8 AM. Sadly, I was only able to add 2, but at least they were the two I really wanted!)
11 AM - 4 PM Get lab help on SPSS (okay, I figured out most of my assignment on my own, so I rewarded myself with a little nap... and then I went in and checked my work with the TA. I got everything right! She showed me a much easier why to do one of the problems, though, but assured me I wouldn't get docked for doing it my way. Hurray! I feel so much better about the test tomorrow!)
5 PM - 5:20 PM Hunt down some food (Oven-broiled, ham and swiss sandwiches... I love hot sandwiches!)
5:30 PM - 7 PM Finish studying for SPSS exam (I redid a few problems to ensure I could remember the formulas. I'll go back through my notes tomorrow afternoon before the exam.)
7:30 PM FHE (avoid contact with SB) (Contact with SB successfully avoided! Also, FHE was fun. We played "murder in the dark," only they thought that was a little harsh in the Institute building so it was re-coined "struck-as-though-dead in the dark." And the little slips of paper that told us if we were the murderer or not also had funny little sayings on them. I ended up with one that said, "You're not the murderer... but I just saved 10% or more on my car insurance by switching to Geico!")
9 PM Heroes! (I am so not missing this for a stupid exam) (Heroes was awesome. Really, really awesome.)
10 PM Scripture study, and I should start writing in my journal again (I'm running a little behind schedule, but I will be doing this momentarily.)
Um, sometime today I also have to get the oil changed in the Camry... (uh, I'll try and do this during the week)
Overall, the day was spectacular! I love my Sundays. I don't study on Sundays, and the Lord has always made it up to me. Monday mornings my thinking is clearer, my resolve greater, and my ability to perform the tasks before me exponentially increased. It's really remarkable what our Heavenly Father will do with our small leaps of faith.
5 AM - 10 AM Work on book report (1st draft?)
11 AM - 12:15 PM Class (no assignments this week, thanks heavens!)
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM Lunch and review SPSS material
2 PM - 3:15 PM Class, get last minute questions sorted out
3:30 PM - 5:15 PM Review SPSS material
5:15 PM SPSS exam (joy)
8 PM Finish book report
I probably won't be in bed by 10
Scripture study sometime before I go to bed
8:30 AM Print off book report, find "favorite household utensil" for Web class
9:30 AM - 12 PM Class (turn in report)
12:15 PM - 1 PM Lunch
1:30 PM - 4 PM Class (get to show off favorite utensil in class, yea!)
5:30 PM - 6 PM Scrounge up some food
6 PM - 10 PM Work on IMC assignments 6 & 7
10 PM Scripture study, bed
6 AM - 10 AM Work on Web assignment
11 AM - 12:15 PM Class
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM Lunch, tidy up IMC and Web assignments
2 PM - 3:15 PM Class
4 PM - 7 PM Read "Audacity of Hope" by Barack Obama (it's for a class, we were encouraged to cross read...)
7:30 PM TNT (Thursday Night Thing!)
9 PM The Office
10 PM Scripture study, bed
7 AM - 12 PM Research "Earned Media" at Stozier Library (this is going to be a weekly thing, part of a research project due at the end of the semester)
12:20 PM - 1:30 PM Friday Forum followed by an awesome lunch provided by the Institute (yum!)
2 PM - 4 PM Clean out car! My poor baby has been neglected...
4 PM - 7 PM Read "Audacity of Hope"
7 PM - Uh, whenev PM Relax, yo!
7 AM - 12 PM Hobbies, crafts, wherever the wind blows me :-)