Saturday, October 24, 2009

Mind the Gap...

It's been a while since I've blogged. Everytime I sit down to start a post I remember something else I should be doing. Like now, for instance, I should be studying. :-)

Life has been busy the last several weeks, but it's been a good busy. I discovered I was 3 credits short of graduating this semester (I was planning on graduating in April, so this was a pleasant surprise). I went and spoke with the graduate student adviser and he told me I could take an online class from BYU and just get it transferred over to FSU and voila!

Meanwhile, the job hunt was fruitful. I had an interview at the Gap a few weeks ago. It was a group interview (weird) and I thought I'd done poorly on it so I decided to soothe my ego with a brand new pair of Gap jeans. Two days later I got an email saying I got the job (wahoo!). Too bad my employee discount (50%) didn't kick in until then, haha. Oh well. Good things come to those who wait, I guess. So far the Gap has been enjoyable. I like working in the GapKids section of the store better than the Gap adults. I just seem to be able to strike up conversations better in GapKids (we get lot of grandparents in GapKids). Yesterday was LONG. My shift was from 1-5, but after every shift all employees have what's called an on-call shift. Usually we don't have to work the on-call shift, but yesterday they informed me I needed to work mine (sigh). So at 5 I took an hour break (store policy) and then spent the next three hours putting a bunch of merchandise away. I enjoy organizing things, but I was just tired and ready to go home. I finally rolled into my house at about 9:30. My roommate was so funny when I walked in.

"Rebecca!!!!! I haven't seen you ALL DAY!! I've been so lonely...."

More to blog about later...

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Big To-Do

1) I'm taking a hiatus from facebook until I get ALL my internship applications in.
2) In an effort to be more productive, I'm posting my to-do list on my blog...

2 PM interview at Buckle (EPIC fail. it's never a good sign if the best thing you could say at the end of the interview was, "I'm good with people and I'm a quick learner" Crud.)
Sometime afterward:
-clean room
-clean bathroom (check, check!)
-edit FDM project
-compile items for mark. internship with FableVision
5:15 - 6:45 Institute (I played soccer instead....)
7 PM - 8 PM TNT (capture the flag! it was awesome)
-finish above to-do list