Saturday, November 12, 2011


Updating the blog design. It will probably change around a lot over the next few days until I get it how I like it.

Being back from the mission is much different than I imagined. It's probably because the mission was different than I imagined, ha. There are so many ways I changed that I just did not anticipate. For a while I've been feeling like I was in this strange "in-between" phase; home from the mission, but not yet in real life. But, as it turns out, this is real life. Who knew? Figuring out what to do with the rest of your life so you can live it now is frustrating, exciting, confusing, inspiring, and.... scary (among many, many other adjectives).

On the bright side, I LOVE goal setting. I love it so much. It's definitely not normal how much I love goal setting. Unfortunately the follow-through has always been a bit of problem... I think it's because it's the best expression of my inherent optimism (too often tragically shattered by my inherent lack of self-discipline). A wise religion professor once told our class, "if you're ever bored, it's because you don't have goals." Life is more exciting when you have goals. The exclamation points of our existence are those moments of sweet, sweet victory when we mark that one thing off our to-do list. Chased by dogs because I went running. Check. Burned dinner because I didn't go out to eat today. Check. Received an answer to prayer because I went to the temple today. I think in large measure we underestimate not only our ability to change the circumstances of our lives, but the effect that one decision can have on a lifetime. The two, of course, are related.

That being said, boredom is not an option for my life. The last few weeks I've been thinking about where I want to be in 5 years, in 10. It's still a work in progress, but it's exciting to think of the possibilities. And, not that completing a full-time mission wasn't awesome, I want to finish out this year with a good hurrah! (or, hurray!). Lots of exclamation points.

This week's exclamation points:
1. personal study every day (30 minutes)
2. attend temple
3. don't eat out
4. read a good book (or two...)
5. check Facebook once a day (30 minutes max) (see above)(twitter isn't facebook. just sayin'.)
6. stick to a schedule

If I add any more, I'll just forget. Next post: Year-end goals.


Zorro Misterioso said...

Hola Rebeca; como estas?
que buen artículo, que lindo que tengas metas que cummplir, es como un motor de la vida, estoy seguro que las cumpliras todas, cuando tenga mi tesis lista te enviarè, y esperaré tus cometarios, un abrazo
Rancagua, Chile

Unknown said...

Tal vez te puedo ver uno de estes días....:)