Ah, so the big news it about two weeks ago I decided it wasn't worth it to minor in Spanish (I already have a minor in business), so I withdrew from my two Spanish classes. It was utterly and completely liberating. The past two weeks have been (in the words of Billy Crystal) MAH-VELOUS! I still have economics and my internship class, but I now have PLENTY of time to take care of those.
With all my free time I decided to finally join a club on campus (meh, 5th year at BYU, figured it was time to start feeling a little school spirit). So I've joined the Asian Cinema Club. Every few weeks the club gets permission to show an Asian film on campus for free. And before you start thinking "anime," the films we watch are popular Asian films that, for the most part, just haven't been seen in the U.S. The first two we've seen I highly recommend (if you can get a hold of them): "Love on a Diet" and "Be With You." Both are just really cute, well-made, movies (both with around a PG rating). So, essentially, every few weeks I go and watch a quality, free movie and "participate" in a club with no required committments (money/time) from me. My kind of club (woot, woot!).
My free time I'm also hoping to fill in with grad school applications. First on the list is to, um, make a list. I've only checked out one program so I need to see what else is out there and then get a move on with applications. Meanwhile I also have to study for and take the GRE and find an internship for the summer. The beautiful thing is I also don't know where I want to do an internship. I really want to see what places I might enjoy living in. My aunt used to live in Seattle and, although I've ruled out California, I would like to check out Seattle. I LOVE rain, so that won't be a problem. :-) So Seattle is at the top of my list followed by D.C., New York and Chicago. I'll probably end up applying to 5 or so in Seattle and 5 or so in D.C. and see if there are any takers. So my time is very quickly filling up, but at least it's filling up with things I actually want to do.
Things are wrapping up at the ol' BYU, which is both frightening and exciting at the same time. It's funny how until now I never considered what would happen after college. Now it's something I definitely have to consider, worry about, ponder, decide, etc. But it's also pretty neat to sit back and realize, "hm, ya know? I really could do whatever I wanted!" The opportunities are immense. The next few months will be quite the experience!
The world certainly is wide open for you right now. I hope you can find a great internship for the summer, just beware of those 'Washington Interns' they seem to have a not so good reputation. ;D
How exciting. I vote for moving to Latin America.
lol, nice tips. thanks guys.
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