Wednesday, April 9, 2008

22 and then some...

Today, in case any of you forgot, is my birthday. Just thought I would post and remind everyone.

Okay, totally kidding, but I am ridiculously excited that it's my birthday. I felt like such a nerd this morning. I woke up, for whatever reason, at around 5 a.m. and the first thing that popped into my mind was, "It's my birthday!!!!" Then, of course, I couldn't get back to sleep so I ended up rolling out of bed at about 6 and cleaning my room. Why cleaning my room? I have no idea other than that it seemed like a semi-turning-over-a-new-leaf-for-the-next-phase-of-my-life ritual. That and it was really messy.

The rest of the day will consist of taking a practice GRE (assuming I get motivated/psyched up enough to commit 3 hours of my life to it) and celebrating the rest of the day with unhealthy food, a shopping trip, and (if I'm feeling adventurous) a movie (or two). Here's to a happy birthday (to me). :-)


Montserrat said...

Hey, we remembered!

Enjoy your present from Mom and Dad. It's a good one!!!

Michelle said...

Happy 22nd!

Rebekah Wood said...

HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY! (Forgive me, my excuse is finals) Love you Boo!

Jessica said...

I hope you had a good birthday!

I saw your parents yesterday. I gave your mom the DVD you have been waiting for. Happy watching.

Rebecca said...

Thanks guys! And yes, Montse, the gift from Mom and Dad was excellent :-) :-) :-)

Fernando said...

We never did anything on your birthday...and yes, I just commenting about it two months after the fact. :)