Time. Has. Slowed. To. A. Crawl.
But other than that, things have been good. I found some paper I really like for letter writing. It's just a light brown, paper bag-esque type. I believe the package said "kraft" on it (whatever that means). I just bought a ream of it. I stink at writing in straight lines, however, so I made a quick template in Microsoft Word with some very faint, gray dotted lines and ran the ream through the copier. Voila! The lines came out perfect. Just dark enough for me to see and write straight :-) Since paper tends to curl/get crinkled/etc. when it's out of it's package, my mom gave me the idea of putting the ream into smaller stacks like my sister does
here. I'm hoping it'll help protect the paper. We'll see. But if you get crinkled letters, um, sorry. My bad.
I started the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series yesterday. I finished book two today (they're quick reads). Fun! Thank heavens all five books are already out (and, conveniently mother owns a children's bookstore, hurrah!). Five books in five days, can she do it? Heck yes, I can. Or, at the very least, I'll have fun trying :-)
Time can speed up now.... please?