So I can't believe how fast the last two weeks have gone. Okay, so during the week it actually felt really slow, but now that it's already the second week of classes I'm wondering how I'm going to have time for everything. Due to my free-spirited wanderings this past weekend I didn't get any studying done. Now I'm behind in just about everything. Which I don't quite understand since the only purpose of studying on Friday and Saturday was to get AHEAD. Shouldn't I technically be right on schedule? Lame...
I have to dedicate a ton of time to my Spanish literature class. I can generally understand the stories we read, but to get all the little details there is a lot of vocubulary I have to look up. I think I'm averaging about 45 minutes per page with all the words I have to look up. It sounds worse than it is. Most of the words I can get from context, but our teacher likes to go over dual meanings a lot so although I might get the gist of a word the first go around I like to look it up anyway to be sure I'm getting the nuances.
And, apparently, I need to spend more time studying for my Spanish grammar class. We got our first paper back today (and, on a side note, who assigns a paper the first week of class?). Um, yeah. No bueno. One of the guys I met in class, though, offered to help me on the next one. So, hey, I got a study date out of it so maybe it was divinely inspired! :-D.
Work is going well. I feel a little lost. My supervisor has been out sick for about a week. I have no idea what I'm doing. But I got my first press release written! That was pretty exciting. It's technically not done yet (it's getting reviewed by one of the tech guys), but most of the work for it is done. When it's released I'll post a link to it so you folks can read it. Not that it will be very interesting to you... heh.
The goals for the new year are trucking along! I've been making it to the gym, waking up early to study, and doing well with eating out only on the weekends. But, I have a ocnfession to make. *starts sobbing* I caved on the soda. I had one with my Wendy's. One with my A&W. A few sips of one at the movie theatre. A can of Dr. Pepper on Sunday (I forgot I had them and it was ice cold...and I'd made the most awesome burger (see post below)... the whole situation was just bad). And one with my Olive Garden on Monday (work provided the food, so not my fault!). So four sodas over the weekend. My bad. Better luck next weekend. Maybe, hee.
Speaking of goals, after watching the CES broadcast on sunday (Elder Tingey talked a lot about planning), I realized I had never made any long-term goals. Up until the past year or so I haven't really thought of much outside of college. So Sunday night I also sat down and wrote done some long-term goals and some measurable objectives to reach them. It was an interesting exercise and maybe even a little scary. But certainly well worth it.
Last year a friend of mine gave a lesson in his elder's quorum on time management. They were having a problem with guys spending too much time playing video games. I really liked the way he approached it. He handed out index cards to all the elders and then told them to write down a few long-term goals (he defined them as farther out than a year) and short-term goals (within the next year). Then, when they were done, on the other side of the index card he had them give a report of their hours during the past week: ours spent studying, spent playing video games, reading scriptures, etc. He then asked the elders how many of those hours were spent working on any of their goals. Pretty good exercise for anyone, I think.
I like the idea of writing out long term goals. I haven't done that in years. Sounds like you are doing better than I am with all your goals. I need to do some schedule adjusting I think.
BTW, my eyes start to water every time I read your blog. I think it's the white on black. Or it could just be my bad eyes.
Don't worry, I had Hiram write all my Spanish papers and I still did really bad on them all. He isn't very good at teaching or helping with Spanish homework. Who would have thought?
I just ordered the Persuassion DVD. I'll let you borrow it once I have it.
Ps. I love your blog!
So if it weren't for the vocab part of my spanish classes the prof told me I'd've had the highest grade in class. sigh that darn vocab.
another cousin who had problems in Spanish class.
I really like the idea of writing long term goals. I think the last time was prior to my wedding and that was 15 years ago. eeek
I just saw your blog link on facebook and it is fun to read your thoughts. Your life is sounding pretty intense and fun!
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