Sunday, January 6, 2008

Goals, Resolutions and Change

I thought I would go ahead and post some of my new year's resolutions and goals for 2008. So for your entertainment:

go to the gym everyday: I have noticeably gained weight in the past year. Ugh. Having avoided the freshman 15, this is simply not acceptable! The pudge will be gone by summer swimsuit season! Mark my words!

budget: I, in a few words, suck at this. I'm not really an obsessive shopper or anything, but little things I think I need to get "right now" add up. So I resolve to stick to my grocery lists! And I'm going to not buy any new clothes until after this semester. Consider it a graduation present to myself.

meal planning: in association with the above, to help keep track of my expenses I've set a moeny restriction on the amount of groceries I will by in a week. I'm not going to post this amount because my sisters will probably laugh at me. Anyway, meal planning is something I've done moderately well in the past few semesters, but I'm going to do better with the amount I spend on those meals.

A sub goal of the three above is to reduce eating out to twice on the weekends and to not drink soda. Last year a buddy of mine bet me that I couldn't go a month without soda. I took him up on the bet, realized it was a lot harder than I thought, and then he never paid up because "betting is wrong." Punk. Anyway, I still managed to do it so for this first month I'm going sin soda. After this month, though, I'm not going completely off as a burger with fries is just not complete without a coke. this month is to break the addiction. Not that I'm addicted. :-D

Early to bed, early to rise: This is really a continuation of a goal I started last semester. I actually did remarkably well on it. Rather than stay up late and pull all nighters I resolved to go to bed early and wake up early to study instead. Now once 10 p.m. comes around I'm wiped and for some reason my body wakes me up at like 4 a.m. (I'd wake up really early for those study sessions, heh). But overall, I know it's a good thing so I'm continuing it into the new year.

journal writing: I'm going to be more consistent with my journal writing by writing at least once a week in my journal.

scripture study: I don't have a problem reading my scriptures. When I was about 11 I got into the habit of reading daily right before bed. But I'm upping the ante this year.

Well, that's the crux of my new year. I started going to the gym last week and did pretty well. I'm still trying to figure out when the best time for me to go is, so it's a work in progress. But here's to the new year! *holds up glass of Martinelli sparkling grape juice*


Montserrat said...

Sounds like great goals to me. You can totally do the meal planning/budget thing.

I have two main goals: lose my pudge - at least twenty pounds- and time management. I spend too much time on the computer which probably contributes to the pudge.

Beth said...

once a WEEK for journal writing? I know you're more interesting then that, Boo.
Of course, this is coming from somebody who hasn't yet met the world of college yet, so don't mind me. :)

Rebekah Wood said...

You're an inspiration to me!!! I am NOT drinking soda this year. YEAR. (Check up on me, will ya?) and I am working might want to check up on me with that. Wow. Anyways, GO YOU! I support you! And I will check up on you!

AllisonK said...

It's fun to read your resolutions. They are great goals.

Rebecca said...

pec: I couldn't do a year. that's like... like... self-abuse or something.

beth: hey, man, I'm trying to be realistic! :-)

cocoa and allison: thanks guys!